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We’re an anti-poverty charity & community of food banks, working together to ensure no one in the UK needs a food bank, while providing practical support for people left without enough money. (Please note we're unable to forward funds onto individual food banks, funds raised here go to Trussell).


Crisis UK

We are the national charity for homeless people. We know that homelessness is not inevitable. We know that together we can end it.



We exist to defend the right to a safe home, because home is everything. The fight to end the housing emergency starts here.



Centrepoint provides housing and support for young people regionally in London, Manchester, Yorkshire and the North East and through partnerships all over the UK.


Eden Animal Rescue

We have many animals, all with their own personalities and needs, but all with one hope… that they can be the next one to find their new home. Providing them with this chance is quite simply the best way we can help them. It can be just as good for you as it is for them! That’s not to say it might not take some work (and likely a lot of patience!) as all involved adjust, but we are sure you can a


Eden Valley Hospice

Eden Valley Hospice is a charity dedicated to providing specialist care for adults in north Cumbria who have life limiting conditions. In addition, we also provide care for their families, friends and carers. All the care the hospice provides to its patients and their families is free at the point of delivery.


Edhi International Foundation UK

Problems faced by the developed and the developing countries in the area of welfare services demand radically different approaches. Whereas, the developed countries are putting the responsibility primarily on the government, the developing countries are struggling to mobilise their own resources or look for foreign assistance for this purpose.


Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity

We help seriously ill babies, children and young people by supporting their medical care, mental health and family’s wellbeing.Our hospital team delivers daily arts activities, youth work and family support; our Grants Programme funds child-friendly spaces and play initiatives, life-changing equipment and bereavement support.


Ekisa UK

Ekisa UK raises money primarily for supporting Ekisa Ministries International, which runs a children's orphanage in Jinja, Uganda, and which also runs a school, the Ekisa Academy, for children with special needs.


Elifar Foundation

The Elifar Foundation helps to improve the lives of children and young adults with severe learning difficulty and associated physical disability.


Elizabeth's Smile

We empower grieving children to build resilience and cope with their grief in healthy and meaningful ways. We work to ensure that our research and programs are free and accessible to all who need them.


Ellie's Retreat

Ellie’s Retreat offers FREE respite breaks exclusively for families who have suffered the loss of a child. This is very special and unique to Ireland. We sincerely hope it helps families like ourselves find some comfort. Located at Castle Archdale caravan park, Co Fermanagh, Ellie’s Retreat is a static mobile, providing all bed linen, towels and a small welcome pack of groceries.


Elliot's Footprint

We are Elliot's Footprint. We're a charity that helps families through child bereavement. We offer help and guidance whilst campaigning and fundraising for improved bereavement services. We are working hard to take the loneliness and frustration out of the systems and processes that families face in the aftermath of losing a child.


Elmbridge Runnymede and Spelthorne Talking Newspaper

The Elmbridge, Runnymede and Spelthorne Talking Newspaper team, set up in 1975 to record local news items for the blind and those with poor sight to listen to and to know what's going on around them.


Emerge Advocacy

Emerge Advocacy is a registered charity established in 2016 out of a realisation that young people in A&E because of self-harm need something more. Our Founder’s original vision was to see volunteers supporting young people in her local hospital in Guildford, Surrey.


Emiliani Trust

We provide financial support towards educational programmes, activities, clothes (including school uniforms and shoes) and equipment to underprivileged children and orphans in Zimbabwe.


Emily's Gift

The pain of a childhood cancer diagnosis is indescribable, emotional support is desperately needed now.



We were set up in memory of Emily Drouet, an undergraduate law student, who was subjected to a campaign of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) by a fellow student. Our mission is to ensure no other student ends up in Emily's shoes. We aim to achieve this through our GBV Charter, our training programmes and the resources that we share across institutions.


Emmaus Hertfordshire

Emmaus supports people who have experienced homelessness by providing them with a home and meaningful work in a community setting. Finding your way out of that situation isn’t easy, particularly when the only options available are temporary fixes, offering a bed for the night but little to occupy your days. Emmaus is different because it provides a home for as long as someone needs it.



Our driving goal is to enable young people to unlock their limitless potential.


Empowering Futures

To use horticulture and animal therapy to create positive meaningful changes to people living in the local community who are living with disabilities, who are vulnerable, isolated or disadvantaged. We are passionate about relieving social exclusion, increasing wellbeing and reducing the disparity between those with or without disability.


Empty Kitchens Full Hearts

Empty Kitchens Full Hearts turns surplus and donated food into meals delivered to those in need in Edinburgh. Since April 2020, we have provided more than 1.6 million meals.


Endeavour Training Limited

Endeavour is an inner-city outdoor adventure, alternative education, youth and community centre dedicated to empowering and enriching the lives of young people and families.


Endometriosis UK

Endometriosis can devastate the lives of not only those with the disease but also their families. We help them take back control.