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We’re an anti-poverty charity & community of food banks, working together to ensure no one in the UK needs a food bank, while providing practical support for people left without enough money. (Please note we're unable to forward funds onto individual food banks, funds raised here go to Trussell).
Crisis UK
We are the national charity for people experiencing homelessness. We help people out of homelessness and campaign for the changes needed to solve it altogether.
We exist to defend the right to a safe home, because home is everything. The fight to end the housing emergency starts here.
Centrepoint provides housing and support for young people regionally in London, Manchester, Yorkshire and the North East and through partnerships all over the UK.
Aberdeen FC Community Trust
Inspiring and empowering, particularly the next generation, through education and positive destinations; football, health and wellbeing.
Aberdeen Mountain Rescue Team
AMRT is based in Westhill, in the North East of Scotland. We provide a volunteer rescue service for walkers, climbers and others who enjoy outdoor activities in the Cairngorms, and the hills of lower Donside and Deeside. We can also be called out to search for missing persons anywhere in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire.
Aberlour Children's Charity
Aberlour Children’s Charity helps disadvantaged children and families in Scotland have a brighter future. Not all children are born with an equal chance. We will work together to beat poverty and discrimination. Our mission is to be brave for children and families. We provide support at the earliest opportunity, giving children an equal chance, and the best possible start in life.
AberNecessities is a baby bank that provides disadvantaged families with the essential and basic necessities that No Child Should Go Without.
ABF The Soldiers' Charity
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is the Army’s national charity, here for soldiers, past and present, and their families for life.
Abigail's Footsteps
We are a baby loss charity, our aim is to improve the care given around stillbirth and neonatal bereavement. With one in every 200 babies being stillborn (around 14 stillborn and neonatal deaths per day in the UK), Britains figures are among the worst in the developed world.
Our services support a wide range of users. From older or disabled people looking for help with their technology to digital professionals advocating for accessibility best practices within their organisation.
Abingdon School
To advance, for the public benefit, the education of children and young people not older than the age of 19 years at Abingdon School and Abingdon Preparatory School or such other school as the Governors may from time to time determine.
Abortion Support Network
Abortion Support Network helps people who need to access safe abortions. We provide information on clinics, travel and accommodation, and provide financial assistance to help with costs for those who need it. We work with people from across Europe in need of abortion care including France, Republic of Ireland, Malta, Poland, Hungary, Spain and Germany on a case-by-case basis.
Access Cornwall
Those of us who love Cornwall appreciate our beautiful beaches, tranquil countryside and unique heritage. We want everyone to be able to enjoy what Cornwall has to offer, and our mission is to empower local residents, visitors and businesses to enjoy a truly inclusive community.
Aching Arms
Aching Arms is a charity that gives its comfort bears to hospitals and hospices, for midwives and nurses to offer to bereaved parents in their care. Along with the bears, we also offer a support service to parents after their loss, whether it was during pregnancy, at birth or soon after.
Acorns Children’s Hospice
We’re here to support every child and their family who need us, in any way we can. At Acorns Children’s Hospice we offer a network of specialist palliative nursing care and support for local children and their families. We are there wherever and whenever they need us, in the hospice, community and at home.
Action Against Cancer
Action Against Cancer has been funding groundbreaking research since 2011. It was the vision of our late Founder and Chairwoman, Hilary Craft OBE, to set up a different kind of cancer charity. Action Against Cancer provides crucial seed funding to innovative projects that could not secure support from other sources.
Action Against Heartburn
We are a group of charities, organisations and individuals campaigning against Oesophageal Cancer, one of the UK's most devastating diseases. We campaign for earlier diagnosis, more effective treatments and improved care to help those who suffer from the illness.
Action Against Hunger
Action Against Hunger is a global humanitarian organization that takes decisive action against the causes and effects of hunger.
ActionAid is an international charity working with the poorest women and girls in the world, changing lives for good.
Action Cancer
Action Cancer is Northern Ireland’s leading, local cancer charity (Registration Number 104170). Our mission is to save lives and support local people through cancer awareness, prevention, detection and support.
Action for Carers
Action for Carers Surrey is a registered charity. We are here to help unpaid carers of all ages, right across Surrey, with information, support and advice.
Action For Children
We protect and support children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support, ensuring their voices are heard, and campaigning to bring lasting improvements to their lives.
Action For Humanity
Action for Humanity campaigns on behalf of asylum seekers and refugees, for the creation of a fair, transparent and human immigration system.
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