Joined: Apr 2023
DianePGemmaS supported the fundraising Gemma & Di walk/crawl THE LAP!
1 year, 4 months agoDianePGemmaS created a post Training
1 year, 6 months agoDianePGemmaS started fundraising Gemma & Di walk/crawl THE LAP!
1 year, 9 months agoDianePGemmaS registered on GiveWheel None
1 year, 9 months ago
Over the last few months Gemma and I have been “in training” for The Lap. I’m not saying we are fully prepared but I feel we are more prepared than we were back in March when we started!
It became apparent after walking the 2 wainwrights, that are part of The Lap course, that we needed to work on our quads for the down hills, and I needed to work on my fitness for the up hills!!
So 5 walks in, squat challenges started and runs completed we feel in a much better state of mind, which I think is maybe more important than anything else!! We will also have 80s tunes and jelly babies for those times when our heads are shouting for us to stop, but I can’t think of anyone I’d rather get through this with than Gemma x