Frequently Asked Questions

We can accept donations from anywhere in the world, in the following currencies:

If you wish to change the currency when donating, you can use the ‘Switch Currency’ button on any fundraising page. 

When donations are made in a currency other than GDP, these will be converted into GDP at the point of donation. Naturally, currency conversion rates vary and are correct at the time of the donation being processed. Wherever possible, GiveWheel seeks to achieve the best conversion rate for charities and utilises multiple disbursement providers to actively monitor rates.


We are able to facilitate payment for donations via bank transfer for any fundraiser on GiveWheel. When you opt to process a payment via this method, we’ll automatically generate an invoice, and you can add any memo details for reporting purposes. Invoices need to be paid via UK bank transfer using the details and payment reference provided on the invoice. Depending on your card and location, a bank transfer may also result in lower payment processing fees.

If you attempt to donate more than £500.00 to any fundraiser on GiveWheel, we’ll automatically offer the choice of a bank transfer rather than a card payment. If you’re looking to donate less than this, you can manually pay by bank transfer by adding /bank-transfer/ to the URL of any fundraising page.


Donations made through GiveWheel are transferred to the registered charities according to the split specified by the donor/fundraiser.

Charities can choose whether to receive donations via our non-profit disbursement partner Charities Trust (charity no. 327489) or directly via Stripe.

Charities Trust provide due diligence and secure disbursement services to over 20,000 UK charities. As well as the disbursement of donations, Charities Trust provide an automated Gift Aid reclamation service and reclaimed Gift Aid is transferred to recipient charities in a separate monthly payment once received from HMRC.

For charities receiving donations via Stripe, Gift Aid may be reclaimed directly from HMRC by the charity themselves with exportable reports available through the GiveWheel charity dashboard. For charities that receive donations either via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. For this reason, it may not be possible to change the allocation on a fundraising page once donations have been received.

For charities that receive donations via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly on the 1st, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. It may take 10 working days for funds to reach recipient charities when disbursed via Charities Trust. Disbursements via Stripe will usually be received immediately, but may take up to three working days.

In exceptional cases, GiveWheel may facilitate fundraising for charities where they are not registered with Charities Trust/Stripe or are a non-UK charity. In this case, disbursement may take place after the event has closed, and our team will reach out to the charity directly to process payment.


When you fundraise through GiveWheel, you are fundraising in aid of your chosen charities. This means that GiveWheel is not receiving funds on behalf of the charities, but rather pledges to disburse these funds to your intended recipients.

GiveWheel pledges to ensure the safe and prompt transfer of donated funds to the recipient charity on behalf of the donor, without taking platform deductions. Charities have the choice of having funds distributed by our non-profit disbursement partner Charities Trust (charity no. 327489) or a direct payment via Stripe. Where a charity holds an account with GiveWheel, they can choose between these methods. Where no account is held, we’ll automatically process funds via Charities Trust.

Charities Trust provide due diligence and secure disbursement services to over 20,000 UK charities. As well as the disbursement of donations, Charities Trust provide an automated Gift Aid reclamation service and reclaimed Gift Aid is transferred to recipient charities in a separate monthly payment once received from HMRC.

For charities receiving donations via Stripe, Gift Aid may be reclaimed directly from HMRC by the charity themselves with exportable reports available through the GiveWheel charity dashboard. For charities that receive donations either via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. For this reason, it may not be possible to change the allocation on a fundraising page once donations have been received.


Once set up, you can update any details about your event at any time by selecting ‘Edit’ from the fundraising page. This includes your page title, cover photo, event date and donation target.

You’re able to amend your charities, and the split of donations between the charities at any point up until donations have been received.

Once donations have been received on a fundraising page, it is not usually possible to amend the charity selection or split – this is because GiveWheel provides immediate reporting to charities on donations received and fundraising pages created. To ensure this reporting is accurate and reliable, it is not possible to reallocate donations retrospectively. As GiveWheel transfers donations to charities on an ongoing monthly basis, whilst fundraising pages are running, it is also likely that the chosen charities will already have received these donations.


We do not charge any platform fees. GiveWheel's fundraising services are provided free of charge to individuals, organisations, and non-profits alike.

To help support the operation of the platform and the continuation of these services being provided free to charities, donors are able to add an optional contribution on top of their donation. Whether adding a voluntary contribution or not, there is no difference to the service provided and we welcome all donors, irrespective of whether they choose to leave a contribution.

When a donation is made, a payment processing fee is charged by our payment provider, Stripe. This is a special discounted rate of 1.2% + 20p for European cards, and may vary for international cards. Donors can opt to donate via invoice and bank transfer rather than paying via card. Donations paid via invoice incur a 3.85% processing fee.

Charities can choose to receive donations via Stripe, or via our non-profit disbursement partner Charities Trust (charity no. 327489). If charities receive payments via Stripe, there are no further fees. If a charity opts to receive donations via the Charities Trust, there is a 2.5% disbursement fee.

In exceptional cases, GiveWheel may facilitate fundraising for non-UK charities. Where an international transfer is required for disbursement, a 4.5% fee is incurred, which covers international bank and transaction costs and ensures donations are received securely by the charity with proof of transfer. Naturally, currency conversion rates vary and are correct at the time of the transfer being processed. Wherever possible, GiveWheel seeks to achieve the best conversion rate for charities and utilises multiple disbursement providers to actively monitor rates.


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You can delete fundraising pages that have not yet received any donations. To do so, navigate from the fundraising page to Edit > Delete. 

If your fundraising page has already received donations, it is not possible to delete the page or process any refunds to donors. If for any reason, you can't complete an event on the date suggested, we recommend editing your event to change the title or date, or alternatively using the fundraising page for a different event. You can edit any details, and change the event date as often as needed. If the fundraising date has passed and the page has automatically stopped accepting donations, you can reopen this by changing the event date to a date in the future.


Yes! When setting up your fundraising page, you can add a cover photo and story for your fundraising page as well as a custom thank you message for any donors. You can also choose between our ‘hero’ and ‘classic’ page templates to customise your page’s look.

Once created, you can add posts containing text and media to provide updates to your page using the ‘Add Image/Media’ button. You’re also able to integrate Strava to track your progress if you’re taking on a sporting challenge.

We also offer the ability to generate a unique QR code for your page, and custom widgets to link to your fundraising page for integration in other sites or live broadcasting software.


We can accept donations from anywhere in the world, in the following currencies:

If you wish to change the currency when donating, you can use the ‘Switch Currency’ button on any fundraising page. 

When donations are made in a currency other than GDP, these will be converted into GDP at the point of donation. Naturally, currency conversion rates vary and are correct at the time of the donation being processed. Wherever possible, GiveWheel seeks to achieve the best conversion rate for charities and utilises multiple disbursement providers to actively monitor rates.


We are able to facilitate payment for donations via bank transfer for any fundraiser on GiveWheel. When you opt to process a payment via this method, we’ll automatically generate an invoice, and you can add any memo details for reporting purposes. Invoices need to be paid via UK bank transfer using the details and payment reference provided on the invoice. Depending on your card and location, a bank transfer may also result in lower payment processing fees.

If you attempt to donate more than £500.00 to any fundraiser on GiveWheel, we’ll automatically offer the choice of a bank transfer rather than a card payment. If you’re looking to donate less than this, you can manually pay by bank transfer by adding /bank-transfer/ to the URL of any fundraising page.


A common question we get asked is 'can I fundraise for multiple charities in a single event?'

GiveWheel allows multi-charity donations and fundraising for both individuals and companies. Individual users can sign up and create a fundraiser for up to 100 charities in a single transaction.

When creating your fundraising page, you can choose multiple different charities to support, as well as the percentage allocation of the total funds, each will receive. You can choose between 1 and 100% for every charity. 

Additionally, unlike many other platforms, there are no registration fees and 0% platform commission charged. This means that when fundraising for more than one charity, even if you allocate just 1% to a charity, they will still receive the funds raised, without platform deductions. We have also partnered with Stripe to ensure low card merchant deductions and maximise the impact of every donation.

Please be aware that if you have obtained a place for a sponsored event through a charity, that charity may have minimum fundraising requirements, which you may need to consider within your allocation.

Note: Once an event has been set up and you start receiving donations, you are unable to change this allocation or add additional charities, as donations are split by charity at the point of donation. If you have created a fundraising page, but not yet received any donations, then we recommend deleting the page and creating a new one.


We are typically unable to offer refunds on donations as we pass funds to charities on a regular basis.

If a request for a refund is made after the donation has already been passed to the recipient charities, the donor should contact the charities directly who will take a decision on whether to provide a refund directly.

If we’re still in possession of the donation funds at the point the refund request is made, we only offer refunds in exceptional cases, and at our sole discretion. If we’re still holding the funds, we are usually able to facilitate refunds in the event of accidental duplicate donations, or where the wrong amount was donated.

We’re not able to offer refunds in cases where the donor has decided they no longer wish to donate, or the donor decided to donate via other means.


Yes - GiveWheel provides functionality for fundraisers to implement ticketing to their fundraising pages - whether this is to run an event, raffle, prize draw or lottery. To get started setting up a ticketed event, start setting up a fundraiser and select ‘ticketing, events and prize draws’ when selecting your page type.

If you are setting up a prize draw, make sure you fully understand and comply with the rules set out by the Gambling Commission. As the fundraiser, you are responsible for complying with them, and GiveWheel is unable to provide legal advice.

You may need to provide terms and conditions for the prize draw and may also need to provide a free entry route. In providing any information relating to the event, GiveWheel is not taking on any responsibility as a promoter, under the UK Code of Non-Broadcast Advertising and Direct & Promotional Marketing (CAP code) or otherwise.


Absolutely - you can set up a recurring donation and split this between as many charities as you wish.

You can set up a recurring donation by selecting the ‘Donate’ button from your dashboard or by clicking here.

This will lead you to create a GiveWheel where you can add your charities and recurring donation amounts. Once ready, you can progress to making your first payment by card. We’ll then handle transferring your donation to each charity at the split you’ve specified. You’ll be charged each month on a recurring basis.

You’re able to amend your GiveWheel, or otherwise cancel this at any time via your dashboard.


When making a donation, we’ll provide the option to provide your name and a message to be displayed on the fundraising page. These fields are optional, so if you wish to remain anonymous, you can simply leave these fields blank.

You also have the option of making your donation amount public or hidden when entering your donation amount.

If you are donating anonymously, you can separately provide your details as part of a Gift Aid declaration. This will be passed to the charity to complete Gift Aid reclamation, but your details will not be shown on the fundraising page. If you do not wish to provide your details, you are able to opt out of the Gift Aid declaration when donating.


The best way to add offline donations to your page is by paying these into GiveWheel. We’ll then handle passing these to your charities at the correct % split. Not only does this save you from making manual transfers to charities, but is often beneficial to the charities themselves to centralise their reporting. You can pay in any offline donations to your fundraising page using either card or bank transfer. You generally should not claim Gift Aid on any offline donations, as HMRC require individual donor details.

You can also choose to manually add offline donations to your fundraising total without paying these to GiveWheel. To do this on a classic fundraising page, scroll to the bottom of the fundraising page and update the offline donation total. On a hero fundraising page, select Edit > Offline Donation Total. In this case, it is your responsibility to make sure these offline donations are paid to your chosen charities.


GiveWheel is responsive for mobile devices, and also available as a progressive web app downloadable on mobile devices. 


Donations made through GiveWheel are transferred to the registered charities according to the split specified by the donor/fundraiser.

Charities can choose whether to receive donations via our non-profit disbursement partner Charities Trust (charity no. 327489) or directly via Stripe.

Charities Trust provide due diligence and secure disbursement services to over 20,000 UK charities. As well as the disbursement of donations, Charities Trust provide an automated Gift Aid reclamation service and reclaimed Gift Aid is transferred to recipient charities in a separate monthly payment once received from HMRC.

For charities receiving donations via Stripe, Gift Aid may be reclaimed directly from HMRC by the charity themselves with exportable reports available through the GiveWheel charity dashboard. For charities that receive donations either via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. For this reason, it may not be possible to change the allocation on a fundraising page once donations have been received.

For charities that receive donations via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly on the 1st, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. It may take 10 working days for funds to reach recipient charities when disbursed via Charities Trust. Disbursements via Stripe will usually be received immediately, but may take up to three working days.

In exceptional cases, GiveWheel may facilitate fundraising for charities where they are not registered with Charities Trust/Stripe or are a non-UK charity. In this case, disbursement may take place after the event has closed, and our team will reach out to the charity directly to process payment.


By default, fundraising pages are scheduled to close and stop accepting donations one month after the event date. You can choose to extend this to three months, or if you wish to keep your page open even longer, you are welcome to - simply change the date on your fundraising.

Donations are automatically transferred to recipient charities, even whilst events are ongoing, so the fundraising event date and close date will have no impact on the charity's receipt of donations.

Charities receive reporting on all fundraising events - so charities may choose to contact fundraisers to thank them.


It's quick and easy to set up a fundraising page for a registered charity:

Just follow the steps below to create your page for a charity:

  1. Log in to your account and click on the 'Fundraising' tab.
  2. Select the type of fundraising event that you are running (e.g sponsored run, celebrating an event.
  3. Fill in the details about your fundraising event.
  4. Tick 'Yes' if you're running a bake sale, or selling tickets to an event, raffle or auction. Donations to your page won't be eligible for Gift Aid. Find out more here.
  5. Select the charities that you wish to support and the percentage of your total fundraise to contribute to each.
  6. Click 'Create your page'.

Job done! Your fundraising page is now set up and ready to accept donations. We'll send the money that you raise directly to your chosen charities. Now it's time to start sharing your page!


You’re able to login to GiveWheel with your email/username and password or with Facebook. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can use our Forgotten Password procedure and we’ll send you an email with a prompt to reset it.

For any other issues relating to accessing your account, or recovering your account, please contact us.


When you fundraise through GiveWheel, you are fundraising in aid of your chosen charities. This means that GiveWheel is not receiving funds on behalf of the charities, but rather pledges to disburse these funds to your intended recipients.

GiveWheel pledges to ensure the safe and prompt transfer of donated funds to the recipient charity on behalf of the donor, without taking platform deductions. Charities have the choice of having funds distributed by our non-profit disbursement partner Charities Trust (charity no. 327489) or a direct payment via Stripe. Where a charity holds an account with GiveWheel, they can choose between these methods. Where no account is held, we’ll automatically process funds via Charities Trust.

Charities Trust provide due diligence and secure disbursement services to over 20,000 UK charities. As well as the disbursement of donations, Charities Trust provide an automated Gift Aid reclamation service and reclaimed Gift Aid is transferred to recipient charities in a separate monthly payment once received from HMRC.

For charities receiving donations via Stripe, Gift Aid may be reclaimed directly from HMRC by the charity themselves with exportable reports available through the GiveWheel charity dashboard. For charities that receive donations either via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. For this reason, it may not be possible to change the allocation on a fundraising page once donations have been received.


Once set up, you can always amend your recurring donation via your dashboard. Here you’re able to add or remove charities, and adjust the amount you are donating to each individual charity.

If you wish to cancel your recurring donation, you should navigate to Profile > Subscriptions and Billing.


GiveWheel enables donors to edit any messages they have attached to their donation at any point.

When you make a donation to a fundraiser on GiveWheel, you’ll receive a receipt from our payment provider, Stripe, and a confirmation email from GiveWheel.

Within the confirmation email, there’s a link to edit your donation details. From this link, you can amend your displayed name, the message provided or add a Gift Aid declaration.

If you are unable to locate your confirmation email to amend your details, please contact us.


If you have two GiveWheel accounts and wish to merge these, please determine the account you wish to keep and then contact us regarding deleting your old account and transferring any data.

There’s no charge or commitment for keeping a GiveWheel account - and we don’t contact you without cause. If you’d like to unsubscribe from our communication, you can update your contact preferences.

Having an account with us lets us give you the best level of service possible. You'll be able to donate faster when you next visit us, and you'll have access to your donation and impact history.

However, if you would still like to delete an account, please contact us.



At GiveWheel, we strive at all times to deliver a service that meets the requirements and expectations of our users. We understand that there may be occasions when you may not be happy with the service you have received. If our service has failed to meet your expectations, we ask that you let us know. We will try to address your concerns, learn from our mistakes and improve the service that we offer.

To raise a complaint, please visit our complaints policy.



If you need to update any account settings, just log into your account, click your name in the menu bar and select Profile. Then update the relevant section from the menu on the left-hand side.

You can update your name, personal details and profile picture under Edit Profile and your username, email address and password under Account.


When using GiveWheel, you’re always in control of whether we, and any charities you’ve donated to, can contact you.

Once logged in, navigate to your Profile > Notifications. From here you can opt in or out of specific email types from GiveWheel.

You also have the option to stop any charities contacting you if you’ve previously consented to this. Simply untick the ‘Charities can contact me’ option.


Once set up, you can update any details about your event at any time by selecting ‘Edit’ from the fundraising page. This includes your page title, cover photo, event date and donation target.

You’re able to amend your charities, and the split of donations between the charities at any point up until donations have been received.

Once donations have been received on a fundraising page, it is not usually possible to amend the charity selection or split – this is because GiveWheel provides immediate reporting to charities on donations received and fundraising pages created. To ensure this reporting is accurate and reliable, it is not possible to reallocate donations retrospectively. As GiveWheel transfers donations to charities on an ongoing monthly basis, whilst fundraising pages are running, it is also likely that the chosen charities will already have received these donations.


You’ll always receive a receipt or confirmation via email of any donation made using GiveWheel.

If you’re making a donation to a fundraising page, your donation and message will also instantly appear on the fundraising page.

All donations, whether to a fundraising page or as a one-off or recurring donation to a charity are included in the total on your dashboard, donating and impact pages.

If you need to view your donation history at any point, you can do so by navigating to your Profile > Subscriptions and Billing > View Billing History.


Our purpose at GiveWheel is to create a better donor experience, and allow you to better understand the impacts of your donations.

As part of a charity's page, we encourage all organisations to add impact details. These are quantified and provide an indicative representation of the impact an individual has made, through all their donations to date.

Example: a user has donated £55 to your organisation in the year, and your impacts are set as 1. £20 = Vaccination(s). 2. £10 = Clean water for an individual. 3. £5 = Meal(s). A user will see their impact as:

  • 2x Vaccinations
  • 1x Clean water for an individual
  • 1x Meal(s)

Note: these impacts are presented to the user as an indication/representative. The charity does not have to use funds for these specific purposes.

We recommend that charities list quantifiable impacts/metrics, such as meals funded, helpline hours, individuals helped, rather than non-specific such as funding research.


GiveWheel charges 0% platform fees and enables fundraising for up to 100 charities in a single fundraising event. Auto-generate QR codes, track offline donations, create team pages and more.

When creating your fundraising page, you can choose multiple different charities to support, as well as the percentage allocation of the total funds, each will receive. You can choose between 1 and 100% for every charity. 

GiveWheel also offers a number of features specifically for company fundraising, including custom branded dashboards, all for free. Find out more information about our platform for businesses.


With GiveWheel, donors can choose to donate from anywhere in the world in one of five currencies: GBP, EUR, USD, CAD and AUD. In each case, Stripe's transaction settlement currency is GBP. To facilitate fundraising for non-UK charities, a small disbursement fee is applied to ensure the secure transfer of donations.

GiveWheel does not charge platform commission on donations and is free to use for individuals, companies, and charities. Unlike other platforms, we don't charge charities to register or hold accounts on GiveWheel.

Alongside GiveWheel's large database of UK charities, we also support fundraising for non-UK charities where available. For the transfer of donations to non-UK charities, a 4.5% disbursement fee is incurred which covers international bank and transaction costs and ensures donations are received securely by your chosen charities with proof of transfer.

Naturally, currency conversion rates vary and are correct at the time of the transfer being processed. Wherever possible, GiveWheel seeks to achieve the best conversion rate for charities and utilises multiple disbursement providers to actively monitor rates.


GiveWheel supports more than 23,000 UK charities - and this list is growing every day!

You can view a selection of the charities we support here.

If you want to fundraise for a charity not shown on the link above, get in touchWe’re often able to add new charities on the same working day.

Alternatively, if you have a contact at your chosen charity, you can provide them the following link to sign up with GiveWheel:


We do not charge any platform fees. GiveWheel's fundraising services are provided free of charge to individuals, organisations, and non-profits alike.

To help support the operation of the platform and the continuation of these services being provided free to charities, donors are able to add an optional contribution on top of their donation. Whether adding a voluntary contribution or not, there is no difference to the service provided and we welcome all donors, irrespective of whether they choose to leave a contribution.

When a donation is made, a payment processing fee is charged by our payment provider, Stripe. This is a special discounted rate of 1.2% + 20p for European cards, and may vary for international cards. Donors can opt to donate via invoice and bank transfer rather than paying via card. Donations paid via invoice incur a 3.85% processing fee.

Charities can choose to receive donations via Stripe, or via our non-profit disbursement partner Charities Trust (charity no. 327489). If charities receive payments via Stripe, there are no further fees. If a charity opts to receive donations via the Charities Trust, there is a 2.5% disbursement fee.

In exceptional cases, GiveWheel may facilitate fundraising for non-UK charities. Where an international transfer is required for disbursement, a 4.5% fee is incurred, which covers international bank and transaction costs and ensures donations are received securely by the charity with proof of transfer. Naturally, currency conversion rates vary and are correct at the time of the transfer being processed. Wherever possible, GiveWheel seeks to achieve the best conversion rate for charities and utilises multiple disbursement providers to actively monitor rates.


Gift Aid is a tax relief allowing UK charities to reclaim an extra 25% on every eligible donation made by a UK taxpayer.

When you make a donation, you'll have the option to tick the Gift Aid declaration option and provide your details, enabling a charity to subsequently claim Gift Aid. This declaration is compulsory for donors intending to allow Gift Aid to be reclaimed on their donation and requires the donor to acknowledge and confirm that they, and their donation, meet the necessary requirements for Gift Aid.

You can add Gift Aid to your donation in most cases where you’re donating on your own behalf and you are a UK taxpayer.

You cannot claim Gift Aid in the following cases:
- where you’re making a donation in return for tickets, goods or services
- where you’re making a donation on behalf of another individual
- where you’re making a donation on behalf of a company
- where a charity is contributing to the cost of an event/challenge

GiveWheel does not provide a Gift Aid reclamation service but collects Gift Aid declarations from donors at the point of donation and makes these available to charities. For charities that have connected a Stripe account, donations on GiveWheel are made to the recipient charity who are entitled to reclaim eligible Gift Aid from HMRC themselves. GiveWheel makes this process easy by providing exportable, itemised donations reports that include Gift Aid eligibility.

For charities that have not connected a Stripe account, donations are made directly to Charities Trust (charity no. 327489) for disbursement to the recipient charities. Charities Trust reclaim Gift Aid on the donations in their own name and transfer both the donation and reclaimed Gift Aid monthly to the charities as specified by the fundraiser or donor, minus their disbursement fees.

Gift Aid metrics on the platform are representative of how much Gift Aid is eligible to be reclaimed, not a guarantee that the charities have reclaimed Gift Aid.


By default, a fundraising page will close and stop accepting donations one month after the event date passes. You can choose to extend this to three months, or if you wish to keep your page open even longer, you are welcome to - simply change the event date on your fundraising page. There is no limit on how long a page can be active for.

Donations are automatically transferred to recipient charities whilst events are ongoing, so the fundraising event date and close date will have no impact on charity receipt of donations.


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