Frequently Asked Questions

Donations made through GiveWheel are transferred to the registered charities according to the split specified by the donor/fundraiser.

Charities can choose whether to receive donations via our non-profit disbursement partner Charities Trust (charity no. 327489) or directly via Stripe.

Charities Trust provide due diligence and secure disbursement services to over 20,000 UK charities. As well as the disbursement of donations, Charities Trust provide an automated Gift Aid reclamation service and reclaimed Gift Aid is transferred to recipient charities in a separate monthly payment once received from HMRC.

For charities receiving donations via Stripe, Gift Aid may be reclaimed directly from HMRC by the charity themselves with exportable reports available through the GiveWheel charity dashboard. For charities that receive donations either via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. For this reason, it may not be possible to change the allocation on a fundraising page once donations have been received.

For charities that receive donations via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly on the 1st, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. It may take 10 working days for funds to reach recipient charities when disbursed via Charities Trust. Disbursements via Stripe will usually be received immediately, but may take up to three working days.

In exceptional cases, GiveWheel may facilitate fundraising for charities where they are not registered with Charities Trust/Stripe or are a non-UK charity. In this case, disbursement may take place after the event has closed, and our team will reach out to the charity directly to process payment.


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Of course, our team is always here to help charities. Please submit a request via our contact form.


Certainly. You can add your charity's logo and update your public page from your settings pages, including taking advantage of our editor to add custom formatting, photos and links to other websites. 

You can also include a personalised thank you message which will be automatically sent to your donors.

Can I have a custom designed page?

The ability to upgrade to a completely bespoke website and custom pages will be offered soon.


Yes. We've got a range of buttons and banners you can use here.


Further analytics and reporting metrics are coming very soon.


Fundraisers can include custom thank you messages for their donors when creating or editing their fundraising page. As part of the fundraising page creator, you will see an option to enter a message - any message here is included in automated confirmation emails sent to donors. To add a thank you message after the page has been created, select the Edit option on your page, enter your message, and Update Fundraising to save changes.


GiveWheel is typically unable to offer refunds as we pass the money to charity beneficiaries on a regular basis. Once the money has been sent we ask donors to contact the charity who will take a decision whether to refund directly. 

To find donation details to arrange a refund, navigate to the donor stream tab. Clicking the export CSV button will download a report showing all transactions. To locate an individual supporter you can press Ctrl + F to search for the donor's details.

Using these details, you can verify that the request is from a legitimate donor and could issue a cheque in the post, or make a transfer. 

If you have already claimed Gift Aid, please contact HMRC directly.


No - it is free to register and start accepting donations with GiveWheel. Visit our registration page to get started.


GiveWheel does not provide a Gift Aid reclamation service but collects Gift Aid declarations from donors at the point of donation and makes these available to charities. For charities that have connected a Stripe account, donations on GiveWheel are made to the recipient charity who are entitled to reclaim eligible Gift Aid from HMRC themselves. GiveWheel makes this process easy by providing exportable, itemised donations reports that include Gift Aid eligibility.

For charities that have not connected a Stripe account, donations are made directly to Charities Trust (charity no. 327489) for disbursement to the recipient charities. Charities Trust reclaim Gift Aid on the donations in their own name and transfer both the donation and reclaimed Gift Aid monthly to the charities as specified by the fundraiser or donor, minus their disbursement fees.

GiveWheel does not charge platform fees nor disbursement fees.

Gift Aid metrics on the platform are representative of how much Gift Aid is eligible to be reclaimed, not a guarantee that the charities have reclaimed Gift Aid.


GiveWheel is responsive for mobile devices, and also available as a progressive web app downloadable on mobile devices. 


Donations made through GiveWheel are transferred to the registered charities according to the split specified by the donor/fundraiser.

Charities can choose whether to receive donations via our non-profit disbursement partner Charities Trust (charity no. 327489) or directly via Stripe.

Charities Trust provide due diligence and secure disbursement services to over 20,000 UK charities. As well as the disbursement of donations, Charities Trust provide an automated Gift Aid reclamation service and reclaimed Gift Aid is transferred to recipient charities in a separate monthly payment once received from HMRC.

For charities receiving donations via Stripe, Gift Aid may be reclaimed directly from HMRC by the charity themselves with exportable reports available through the GiveWheel charity dashboard. For charities that receive donations either via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. For this reason, it may not be possible to change the allocation on a fundraising page once donations have been received.

For charities that receive donations via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly on the 1st, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. It may take 10 working days for funds to reach recipient charities when disbursed via Charities Trust. Disbursements via Stripe will usually be received immediately, but may take up to three working days.

In exceptional cases, GiveWheel may facilitate fundraising for charities where they are not registered with Charities Trust/Stripe or are a non-UK charity. In this case, disbursement may take place after the event has closed, and our team will reach out to the charity directly to process payment.


When an individual makes a donation to a fundraising page, the donation is split into separate donations according to the allocation of recipient charities as set by the fundraiser. Reporting available to charities on GiveWheel details only the donation made in aid of each charity, rather than the total amount of the donation.

GiveWheel disburses donations on a rolling monthly basis and all donations within that period are aggregated. Charities are able to receive donations either via Stripe or through GiveWheel's non-profit disbursement partner, Charities Trust (charity no. 327489). GiveWheel does not charge platform commission and there are no disbursement fees incurred when using Stripe. For charities registered with Charities Trust, there is a 2.5% disbursement fee charged by Charities Trust.


GiveWheel operates two distinct ways for charities to receive money. The first is through GiveWheel’s ‘Donor Assist’ service by which GiveWheel provides a service to assist donors with their giving. In this case, no services are provided to the charity, nor do they hold an account on GiveWheel. GiveWheel pledges to ensure the safe and prompt transfer of donated funds to the recipient charity on behalf of the donor, without taking platform deductions. 

The second way is via GiveWheel’s charity membership. This is free for charities and requires the charity to hold an account on the GiveWheel platform. As with Donor Assist, GiveWheel takes no platform deductions from donations. This is the recommended approach and offers a number of benefits to the charity. Note: A charity can decide at any point to take advantage of GiveWheel platform services, at which point Donor Assist for this organisation will be converted to a charity membership.

Further information can be found at

Has a charity received money from my fundraising event?

Further details on when a charity will receive money is available here: When do charities receive funds?


To add an admin, ensure that the new user has created an account normally, through GiveWheel. Then navigate to your Account settings, click an admin and search for the user by email address.


At GiveWheel, we strive at all times to deliver a service that meets the requirements and expectations of our users. We understand that there may be occasions when you may not be happy with the service you have received. If our service has failed to meet your expectations, we ask that you let us know. We will try to address your concerns, learn from our mistakes and improve the service that we offer.

To raise a complaint, please visit our complaints policy.



To register on GiveWheel, all you have to do is complete our short online registration form, detailing information about your charity, and creating an admin account.

It takes less than 5 minutes and is completely free to start accepting donations.


You can see how much you have raised to date and a breakdown by donation types (recurring, single and fundraising donations) from your dashboard page. A full list of transactions and donations received is visible on the donor stream tab.


To see all payments made and reconcile amounts received to donations, visit the donorstream tab on your account page and click export report.


As part of a charity's page, we encourage all organisations to add impact details. These are quantified and provide an indicative representation of the impact an individual has made, through all their donations to date.

Example: a user has donated £55 to your organisation in the year, and your impacts are set as 1. £20 = Vaccination(s). 2. £10 = Clean water for an individual. 3. £5 = Meal(s). A user will see their impact as:

  • 2x Vaccinations
  • 1x Clean water for an individual
  • 1x Meal(s)

Note: these impacts are presented to the user as an indication/representative. The charity does not have to use funds for these specific purposes.

We recommend that charities list quantifiable impacts/metrics, such as meals funded, helpline hours, individuals helped, rather than non-specific such as funding research. Examples of impact descriptions:

GOOD: £5 = mosquito nets

POOR: £5 = helping prevent malaria

GOOD: £150 = bed in a homeless shelter for a week

POOR: £65 = helping cure disease


Donations received (single, recurring and fundraisings) are aggregated after Stripe (our payment processing partner) fees have been deducted (1.4% + 20p per customer transaction). No platform fees are taken by GiveWheel.

To receive payouts, please click the 'Connect with Stripe' button. You will then be prompted to create an account.

On the 1st day of each month, all unpaid balances will be transferred to your Stripe Account. If your Stripe balance is over £100, this will automatically be paid into your linked bank account.

You can also choose an instant payout. Please note, instant payouts are subject to a 1% + £2 Stripe fee.

It's a pleasure to be part of your fundraising journey!


GiveWheel charges 0% platform fees and enables fundraising for up to 100 charities in a single fundraising event. Auto-generate QR codes, track offline donations, create team pages and more.

When creating your fundraising page, you can choose multiple different charities to support, as well as the percentage allocation of the total funds, each will receive. You can choose between 1 and 100% for every charity. 

GiveWheel also offers a number of features specifically for company fundraising, including custom branded dashboards, all for free. Find out more information about our platform for businesses.


Virgin Money Giving has now closed. However, this does not have to hinder your fundraising efforts.

GiveWheel fills the gap left by Virgin Money Giving, offering the ability for multi-charity fundraising. Users can fundraise for up to 100 charities in a single fundraising event, allocating between 1 and 100% to each charity. Take advantage of advanced functionality not previously available on other platforms: track donations offline, auto-generate QR codes, create team pages raising money towards a cumulative target and more...

Services for Businesses:

GiveWheel also offers a number of features specifically for company fundraising, including custom branded dashboards, all for free. Find out more information about our platform for businesses.

An ethical business model:

GiveWheel does not charge compulsory platform fees or take compulsory commission from donations, ensuring that more money goes to charities.


Posts allow you to engage with donors and contributors on GiveWheel. You can create posts from your dashboard. Any posts you create will automatically show up on your public page and in the feeds of users that follow your charity.


For charities that receive donations either via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. For this reason, it may not be possible to change the allocation on a fundraising page once donations have been received.

In instances whereby charities are requested for fundraising that are not already registered with Charities Trust, disbursement may take place after the event has closed and GiveWheel will contact the charities directly.


Gift Aid is a tax relief allowing UK charities to reclaim an extra 25% in tax on every eligible donation made by a UK taxpayer.

GiveWheel enables donors to complete a Gift Aid declaration at the point of donation. This declaration is compulsory for donors intending to allow Gift Aid to be reclaimed on their donation and requires the donor to acknowledge and confirm that they, and their donation, meet the necessary requirements for Gift Aid. GiveWheel does not provide a Gift Aid reclamation service - charities either reclaim Gift Aid directly with HMRC with the donation reports provided by GiveWheel, or receive reclaimed Gift Aid through Charities Trust; a registered UK charity (no. 327489) that reclaim Gift Aid in their own name before transferring to the recipient charities. 

Note: Gift Aid cannot be claimed in some cases, such as where something is received in exchange for the donation. Refer to ( for further details.

Gift Aid metrics on the platform are representative of how much Gift Aid is eligible to be reclaimed, not a guarantee that the charities have reclaimed Gift Aid.


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