In 2004 I was in a horrific car crash and my life changed forever. I broke 26 bones and had a stroke. I spent two years in hospital and continue to be in and out to this day. I suffer from complex neurological and orthopaedic trauma and walk with two sticks, BUT I AM LUCKY. Most people who suffer as I did, do not make it, or are in a wheelchair.
So on this 20th anniversary I have set myself a huge physical and financial challenge. I want to climb the 3 highest peaks in the UK. I shall be walking Snowden on April 20th, Scafell Pike on 6th May and Ben Nevis on 7th September.
But I also want to raise a serious amount of money for 4 charities all of which are linked to my story.
Firstly, who help people navigate the recovery from extreme physical trauma. I had advocates in my family and amongst my friends for every step of my 47 operations but many do not and it is overwhelming. They are building an amazing support network of peers, but the need is enormous and they want to expand into every major trauma centre in the UK.
Secondly, who train girls in refugee camps with computer science and digital skills. If I had not be fortunate enough to be involved in the early days of e-commerce, I would not have had the resources to find the best care both at home and in hospital. These girls may never leave the camps, but at least they have more opportunity to get work through new skills. IATC wants to have trained 1m girls by 2030.
Thirdly, who work to help everyone use digital services, particularly people with disabilities.
I am proud Patron of the above 3 amazing charities.
But there is also This charity helps patients with severe spinal cord injuries enjoy outside visits and beautiful gardens. I broke 28 bones in the crash and had a stroke. Many of these patients broke none at all and yet will never walk or stand. Access to nature is a relief and a tonic. My two 7 year old sons are walking with me and helping raise money and they are particularly focused on this organisation.
Please help me to help these different charities, all of whom plug vital holes in different systems of care.
+£42,789.03 Gift Aid
raised of £300,000 target
by 798 supporters