How does fundraising through GiveWheel work?

How we handle donations

When you fundraise through GiveWheel, you are fundraising in aid of your chosen charities. This means that GiveWheel is not receiving funds on behalf of the charities, but rather pledges to disburse these funds to your intended recipients.

GiveWheel pledges to ensure the safe and prompt transfer of donated funds to the recipient charity on behalf of the donor, without taking platform deductions. Charities have the choice of having funds distributed by our non-profit disbursement partner Charities Trust (charity no. 327489) or a direct payment via Stripe. Where a charity holds an account with GiveWheel, they can choose between these methods. Where no account is held, we’ll automatically process funds via Charities Trust.

Charities Trust provide due diligence and secure disbursement services to over 20,000 UK charities. As well as the disbursement of donations, Charities Trust provide an automated Gift Aid reclamation service and reclaimed Gift Aid is transferred to recipient charities in a separate monthly payment once received from HMRC.

For charities receiving donations via Stripe, Gift Aid may be reclaimed directly from HMRC by the charity themselves with exportable reports available through the GiveWheel charity dashboard. For charities that receive donations either via Charities Trust or Stripe, donations are disbursed monthly, even whilst fundraising events are ongoing. For this reason, it may not be possible to change the allocation on a fundraising page once donations have been received.




Fundraising Getting Started