Edinburgh Marathon 2023
Sunday 28th May 2023
Edinburgh Marathon 2023
Firstly , thank you for visiting our Give Wheel fundraising page!
We are Dad and two sons with a love of family, sport and music and very often all three of us can be found having fun together at music and sporting events.
Some months ago we decided to join together and compete in a fun challenge.
Well we hope it’s going to be fun - we are running the Edinburgh Marathon on Sunday 28th May.
Why ?
Well apart from the personal challenge of taking on 26 miles, we are hoping to fundraise a good sum for two very deserving charities, Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and Cancer Research, which both have personal relevance to us.
The stories and reasons for choosing these two are as below.
Cancer Research
In 2003, we lost a father and grandfather to asbestos lung cancer less than a year after his diagnosis. Aged only 63, a man who like many worked hard all his life, was denied a happy retirement by this cruel disease.
8 years later, ovarian cancer took a mother and loving grandmother from us, only 3 months after diagnosis.
Sadly, both have missed so many memorable events provided by their family left behind, including time with their grandchildren and great grandchildren, which would have given them so much pleasure.
Great Ormond Street Hospital
For many years now, Paul and Louise Fellows have been close neighbours to us. Their son Tommy has had to overcome some serious health challenges in his short life, but for as long as we've known him, has always done so with such bravery and never without a huge smile on his face! A small piece from him is below:
I am under the care of GOSH and have had 3 brain operations to resect a benign tumour and continue to have regular MRI scans to monitor it. Every person that works at GOSH from the surgeons to the support staff are great and do so much fantastic work for 1000's of children and families. It’s a place that is very close to my families hearts. Please support Stuart, Nathan and Lewis on their marathon and spare a few pounds if you can!
Good luck guys!
Thank you, Tommy
No matter how small, all donations are gratefully received, especially knowing they are going to such worthy charities (They'll hopefully give us a bit of a push when we need it on the day too!)
Thanks again for taking the time to visit our page,
Stuart, Nathan and Lewis
+£297.38 Gift Aid
raised of £1,000 target
by 78 supporters