My good friend Iain Trayner, who continues to defy medical science by sticking to this mortal coil, has decided to hike the West Highland Way in April and has asked me to chum him. Obviously I said no, to myself internally, at the reality of spending a week in his company, which in itself would be a huge charity challenge, however I did agree as he'd be all on his jack jones and nobody would be there to listen to his boring stories about life on Lewis. In the spirit of this challenge, I am taking the opportunity to ask if my family, remote relations, acquaintances, couple of friends and those that don't really like me but might appreciate Iain and his romantic, lovey dovey story about marrying his nurse, put their hands in their electronic wallets and sponsor me so that I can support St. Columba's Hospice, a marvellous institution in Granton where the incredible staff cared for my grandad in his last days. Times are very tough so the smallest of donations will be valued. Honest. Cheers.
+ £217.50 Gift Aid
£1,250 target | 30 supporters
Offline donations
Charities Supporting