Jonathan's charity sky dive for Pulmonary Fibrosis

Jonathan's charity sky dive for Pulmonary Fibrosis

Jonathan's charity sky dive for Pulmonary Fibrosis

Jonathan Etheridge

As many of you know, Pulmonary Fibrosis is an illness close to my heart (well close to my lungs really). I have (probably foolishly) decided to do a charity free-fall tandem skydive form 14,000 feet in the spring of 2025.

I want to raise as much as I can for two fantastic charities, Action For Pulmonary Fibrosis and the Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust who do amazing work in raising awareness of this little known disease; funding research and supporting sufferers and their families.

It would be great if you were able to chip in a little to help support these fantastic charities.


Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust Logo
Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust

Health | 1149901


The aim of the Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust is to provide personal support to people affected by Pulmonary Fibrosis, a very debilitating and life-limiting illness. We offer practical, and emotional support where there is a need. We also raise awareness of the illness and in particular the challenges people face on a daily basis.

Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis Logo
Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis

Health | 1152399


Pulmonary fibrosis eventually affects every aspect of daily life and cuts short people’s lives. It affects 70,000 people in the UK. With your help we can support people living with pulmonary fibrosis and assist research into effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure.

Supporters 53

  • A

    1 month


    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • I

    1 month, 1 week

    Iain & Christine

    Happy landings!

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • A

    2 months

    Andy Ellis

    Good luck and happy flying / falling!

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • P

    2 months

    Pat C

    So cool! Fly !! Have a blast!!

    $ 50.00

  • D

    2 months

    Dave Mills

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • P

    2 months

    Patrick Brown

    Good Luck and Enjoy!

    £ 30.00

  • R

    2 months

    Rachel Moore

    Good luck and all the best Jonathan

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • A

    2 months, 1 week

    Adam Faherty

    Good luck Jonathan, brave man!!

    £ 30.00

    (+£7.50) Gift Aid
  • D

    2 months, 1 week

    David Pearson

    All the very best Jonathan - enjoy the ride, or fall. Happy landings!

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • W

    2 months, 1 week

    Will Courtenay

    a great cause - best of luck Jonathan!

    £ 20.00

  • A

    2 months, 1 week

    Alan Pratt

    Happy landings Jonathan!

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • J

    2 months, 1 week

    Jo Wood

    Good luck! Hope you enjoy every free falling minute!

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • R

    2 months, 1 week

    Robin Martin

    Good luck Jonathan !! Keep secure!!!

    £ 30.00

  • G

    2 months, 1 week

    Gavin Newhouse

    Risk: Splat, Impact: Yes, Likelihood: V.Low, Countermeasure: Confirm instructor not having bad day. Rating: Give it a go! Enjoy!

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • D

    2 months, 1 week

    David Bollington

    Well done Jonathan .....great charity.

    £ 20.00

  • A

    2 months, 1 week


    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • S

    2 months, 1 week

    Scott hands

    Break a leg!

    £ 20.00

  • I

    2 months, 1 week

    Ian Fenwick

    Best of luck Jonathan!

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • R

    2 months, 1 week

    Richard Jeans

    Good luck Jonathan. Great cause

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • L

    2 months, 1 week

    Lee Carter

    Good luck Jonathan😁👍

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • R

    2 months, 2 weeks

    Rich Hayden

    Hey JE, I admire your courage and bravery here, but also know you'll have thoroughly assessed all risks. Break a leg! ;-)

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • I

    2 months, 2 weeks

    Iry Lee

    Good luck Jonathan! Share videos please :)

    £ 10.00

  • A

    2 months, 2 weeks

    Anna Wilkinson

    Enjoy the experience!

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • P

    3 months

    Paul Rigby

    JE, for once I have no words . . . Best of luck mate, this is awesome. Be Safe.

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • B

    3 months

    Brandi Clayton

    Amazing JE!! Wish you the best of luck, enjoy the ride!

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid


+ £187.50 Gift Aid

£1,200 target | 53 supporters


 Offline donations

Charities Supporting

Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust


Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis



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  • I am a UK taxpayer and this is my own money.
  • This donation is not made as part of a sweepstake, raffle or lottery. I am not receiving anything in return for it.
  • I understand that if Gift Aid claimed in the tax year is more than income and capital gains tax I must pay HMRC the difference.

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Jonathan's charity sky dive for Pulmonary Fibrosis


£0.00 Edit


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