Monty's Close Shave
Sunday 29th September 2024
Sunday 29th September 2024
Captain’s Prize Weekend - Charity Event
Over the years there have been many instances in the Captain’s Prize when the result has come down to the wire over the closing holes. This year may well be similar, but there will be a “close shave” of a different kind taking place in the afternoon at the prize-giving party.
Brian Meehan, known to many at the club as Monty, has sported a magnificent Viking beard for more than 15 years. In a moment of inspiration during a sunshine Summer afternoon on the terrace, the Captain enquired whether Monty would be up for a sponsored removal of his much admired Skegg (in Old Norse) and a return to his smooth, glabrescent state.
Monty was quick to agree to the proposal. Several months on and after more sensible consultation with his chief advisor, he remains willing to part company (for a period at least) with his trademark whiskers.
This is no small concession for a man who has been instantly recognisable by and lived in harmony with his bristly appendage for so long.
It is therefore with great appreciation and respect, we are announcing that Monty’s beard will be shaved off during the afternoon of the Captain’s Prize-Giving Party to raise money for the Captains’ charities.
Please donate generously, not only in the knowledge that the funds will be of such significant value to CASPA and CAREPLUS, but understanding that Monty will effectively be incognito for some months to come. You can sponsor the momentous event via this link.
Thanks in anticipation of your support and please come along to witness “Monty’s Close Shave”.