I've never ran a marathon before but it looks like my time has come, to at least attempt it. What better motivation than to raise money for 4 charities very close to my heart.
Though the older I get I realise it's a privilege to get this amazing opportunity, to be alive and healthy enough in my, ahem, 50s to train and have the love and support of friends and family.
Follow my journey via 1st_time_marathon_mum on Instagram.
Here's a little about the charities I've chosen and why. These will propel me round the course and keep me training.
1. UK Infantile Spasm Trust - My friend Kim’s gorgeous little boy Theo started having seizures at just 6 months old. These didn’t look like you might typically expect - the first time he just very gently put his arms out to the side and his head dropped forward a bit. Within three days he was at GOSH and had a diagnosis - Infantile Spasms, a rare and ‘catastrophic’ type of epilepsy, where the chaotic brain activity is going on all the time and is steadily causing progressive brain damage.
Kim luckily spotted the first seizure and took swift action...as well as becoming an overnight expert and constantly pushing medical staff that bit further and faster, with success and part of her nature and bravery is to share her story and try and raise awareness and the critical importance of noticing and reacting to Infantile Spasms.
UKIST offers valuable support to families dealing with Infantile Spasms, from the terrifying initial diagnosis to ongoing support for therapies and additional needs that the children may have as they go through life. I'm pleased to say Theo, who is 16 months old, cuter than ever, is doing well.
2.The Epilepsy Society - based locally and will be able to support Kim's son if needed when he's older, and also support my friend Jenny's gorgeous daughter, who in primary school started having epileptic episodes. It's such a worry as a parent as you never know when one may occur, so you must carry that with you especially when your child s not with you. My friend has shown courage , strength and always a smile and positive outlook.
3. Mission EmployAble - a local charity which trains and employs young adults with learning disabilities - such a worthwhile community activity. They have funded the local cricket club and cafe where they will be working to look after local residents in a stunning new environment.
4. RASA Schools Foundation - set up by my amazing friend Veronika. RASA aims to provide urgent relief to the Ebenezer School in Gutu, Masvingo, Zimbabwe, which was destroyed by a violent storm in 2019. The damage was extensive, resulting in children have nowhere to learn and the teachers with no homes. Veronika lead the charity to raise enough funds to rebuild the school and continues to raise funds for furniture and additional classroom equipment.
I'm arranging a few events to help raise funds for these inspiring causes:
5th March - family Bingo Chorleywood Memorial Hall
23rd March - Ladies Gin night - Metropolitan Bar, Little Chalfont
Beat The Goalie - being arranged by my football-mad boys.
more details to follow
+ £928.69 Gift Aid
£7,000 target | 156 supporters
Offline donations
Charities Supporting