Nov 01, 2024 - Oct 31, 2025
Tracey's Trek
Tracey Howe
On 1st November 2024 I embarked on an epic journey, walking 5,000 miles around the coast of Britain we are calling this TraceysTrek. It will take me 12 months walking on average 17 miles a day in all weathers (snow, gales, heat, rain, hail, floods) and terrains (beaches, sand dunes, cliffs, busy roads) and will involve crossing rivers and estuaries and avoiding or crossing MOD firing ranges and fields of cows!! During this time, I will be living in Priscilla my motorhome!!
WHY - My wife Angela of 37 years died in September 2023 aged only 58 and my sister-in-law currently has breast cancer. Our retirement plan was to tour the UK in a van but now I am grieving and going to be doing it on my own. TraceysTrek will help raise awareness of cancer with 100% of funds raised going to the following cancer charities who gave us tremendous support during Angela’s illness.
• The Beatson
• Marie Curie
• The Brainstrust
• Breast cancer now
• CoppaFeel
See more here
Mae taith Tracey yn daith gerdded 5000 milltir o amgylch Prydain i godi arian ar gyfer tair elusen ganser a wnaed gan weddw (Tracey) Angela a fu farw y llynedd. Mae angen unrhyw gefnogaeth a chymorth arni gan y cymunedau y mae'n mynd drwyddynt ond yn bennaf oll, rhywun i yrru'r fan o'r man cychwyn bob dydd, 20 milltir sef y targed dyddiol. Os gall unrhyw un helpu byddai Tracey yn ddiolchgar iawn.
Gall unrhyw un a hoffai gyfrannu wneud hynny drwy;
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This is my journey from Glasgow taken from my Strava data. It's starting to look like a long way! You can follow this as it updates each day I have walked.
0 likesWell who would have thought it, I'm back in Devon. I'm now 1,800 miles and 4 Million steps away from Glasgow!! Thank you to everyone who has donated, you are all stars. The total is creeping up and is now over £26,000.
0 likesOK so perhaps I’m getting over excited about the start of my trek but I’m supporting Breast Cancer Now and CoppaFeel! So thought I would get in the pink!!
1 likesI’m ready to start!! Here is my route for November. If I’m in your area please get in touch. I’m looking for places to park my van Priscilla, local knowledge about the coastal route, people to walk with me or just cheer me on. Thanks in advance Other ways to contact me and more information see
0 likesWhat an amazing thing. We reached £4000 already. Thank you to everyone who has donated. You are awesome xx
1 likesFor the past week I’ve been trekking on the Great Wall of China with my son Will. It’s been tough at times but what an amazing adventure we have had. I hope I’m now ready to start my 5000 mile walk around Britain. Only 10 days to go.
0 likesThis is our story as told by Fiona Russell published in the Sunday Post 29th September the anniversary of Angela’s death.
0 likesTrying to mix up my training with a few Park Runs when I can. Getting ready for the Vitality 10,000 in London next month.