4. Andrew's Camino Walk - The French Way 780 Km

Apr 25, 2024

4. Andrew's Camino Walk - The French Way 780 Km

4. Andrew's Camino Walk - The French Way 780 Km

Andrew Mitchell

I am embarking on the ancient pilgrimage of the Camino Frances on 24 April. Starting my walk from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port and finishing in the historic city of Santiago de Compostela, I am hoping the journey will take me approximately 35 days based on an average of 15.5 miles per day.

Standish Consort was founded in December 2022 by OUS Gloucestershire members to encourage those in the area with a passion for singing to advance their musical knowledge and singing virtuosity in a chamber choir environment, lead by our young, enthusiastic conductor Mark Wilson . The choir has grown in strength with alumni from Oxford University, Cambridge University, and friends.

Since the choir’s formation we have had sell-out concerts, with recent performances including Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms, Barber’s Agnus Dei, Vivaldi’s Gloria and Monteverdi’s Vespers. Most recently we performed Zelenka’s Missa Votiva, with Ensemble la Notte, the YouTube video of which garnered over 15,000 views in its first month. We have also sung evensongs at Pembroke College, Merton College, Worcester Cathedral and Salisbury Cathedral.

Our conductor Mark Wilson, Director of Music at Pembroke College Oxford, leads the choir with soloists drawn from members of the choir. We are often accompanied by George Charman, Organ Scholar at Pembroke College Oxford.

I am raising money for a Bursary to encourage young musicians from Oxford, and Cambridge Universities and others to join. Donations of any size are welcome.


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Oxford University Society of Gloucestershire

Community | OUSG


Welcome to OUS Gloucestershire. We are one of the largest OUS groups - with nearly 4,000 members. We typically organise at least one event a month. These are extremely varied, from the annual Boat Race party to musical events, lectures, visits and purely social opportunities.


Supporters 6

  • H

    8 months, 3 weeks

    Harry and Sarah M-G

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    9 months

    Alan Singleton

    £ 20.00

  • M

    10 months, 1 week


    Go Andrew! Band Aid to the ready! See you in June - lean and mean!

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • A

    10 months, 1 week

    Andrew Page

    Andrew good luck with the walk.

    £ 20.00

  • S

    10 months, 2 weeks

    Sarah Athey

    A journey of a lifetime to support our talented young musicians. You can do this Andrew.

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • A

    10 months, 2 weeks


    £ 10.00



+ £22.50 Gift Aid

£10,000 target | 6 supporters


 Offline donations

This page is part of an event:

Andrew's Camino 780 km Walk - for 4 very different causes

4 fundraisers


Charities Supporting

Oxford University Society of Gloucestershire