The Ridgeway Walk

The Ridgeway Walk

The Ridgeway Walk

Jade Brar-Haase

Members of the Murray McIntosh Team have committed to walking a length of 103km in August 2024, following the famous Ridgeway route to raise money for two fantastic charities, Child Bereavement UK and Combat Stress.

We will be starting at the Hackpen White Horse (just outside Broad Hinton in Wiltshire) and finishing day one in Streatley, Berkshire for a total of 60km. After some rest, recovery and refuelling we will continue onto our finish line at Whiteleaf Cross and Brush Hill Nature Reserve in Buckinghamshire for a day two total of 43km.

To prepare for this challenge, some members of the walking committee will be climbing Mount Snowdon on Friday 24th May and completing various individual challenges between now and Saturday August 10th.


Child Bereavement UK Logo
Child Bereavement UK

Children | 1040419


We help families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. We support children and young people (up to the age of 25) when someone important to them has died or is not expected to live, and parents and the wider family when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying.

Combat Stress Logo
Combat Stress

Community | 206002


For over a century we’ve been helping former servicemen and women deal with issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. Today we provide specialist treatment and support for veterans from every service and conflict, focusing on those with complex mental health issues related to their military service.

Supporters 47

  • L

    7 months

    Lyn and Tony

    Well done Darryl and all the team. Amazing effort for a good cause.

    £ 25.00

    (+£6.25) Gift Aid
  • B

    7 months



    £ 20.00

  • D

    7 months

    Daniel Evans

    Amazing work, well done guys!

    £ 30.00

    (+£7.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    7 months

    Adam Quinsee

    £ 28.78

    (+£7.20) Gift Aid
  • J

    7 months

    Julie Lee

    Walk on …

    $ 50.00

  • M

    7 months

    Marc, Niamh, & Lukas

    Amazing job Hannah and team - good luck & hope you have a pint waiting on the other end!

    $ 20.00

  • M

    7 months

    Michael, Steph, Chris, Lisa and kids

    What a challenge and two great charity's, good luck l!

    £ 30.00

    (+£7.50) Gift Aid
  • S

    7 months

    Susan Clayton-Carroll

    Good luck, thank you for your efforts.

    $ 70.00

  • H

    7 months


    Go team!

    £ 20.00

  • C

    7 months

    Claire & Matt

    Extra points if you get drunk half way through and dress as a hobbit…

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    7 months

    Alex & Jules Archard

    Don’t fall over

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • E

    7 months, 1 week


    Not today Mildred!!!! I mean go on Sarraaaaaa! Lots of love xxx

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • M

    9 months, 1 week

    Murray Charity Fundraiser

    £ 91.50

    (+£22.88) Gift Aid
  • M

    9 months, 2 weeks

    Ma and Pa

    Well done so far, Lauren. You can carry us next time we're out to build up your stamina!

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    9 months, 2 weeks

    Aubergine Chip

    On behalf of the title winning Aubergine chip I would like to wish you all the best of luck & you’ll all smash this, for a fantastic cause too! Xx

    £ 25.00

    (+£6.25) Gift Aid
  • T

    10 months, 1 week

    Tom V

    Best of luck Jade and all team!

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    10 months, 1 week

    Adam Cave

    £ 45.00

  • C

    10 months, 1 week

    Cheryl & Colin

    Great cause , great challenge you will smash it!

    £ 15.00

    (+£3.75) Gift Aid
  • A

    10 months, 2 weeks


    £ 100.00

  • A

    10 months, 2 weeks

    AC / DJ

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • M

    10 months, 3 weeks

    Murray McIntosh Team Contribution

    £ 95.00

  • W

    10 months, 3 weeks


    Good luck from all at Wave

    £ 50.00

  • W

    11 months

    Walter Gumina

    Amazing guys

    £ 100.00

  • B

    11 months

    Ben Coleman

    Fantastic charities. Good luck with the walking. Extremely tough exercise that.

    £ 1.00

  • D

    11 months

    Dan Bowsher

    Go team Murray McIntosh!

    £ 100.00


+ £331.32 Gift Aid

47 supporters


 Offline donations

Charities Supporting

Child Bereavement UK


Combat Stress

