I got caught out with new job enthusiasm, signing up to not one, but two, 3 Peaks challenges this year. Will be supported by tombola releasing myself and other colleagues from the (virtual) office to volunteer our time to help support some great cause.
First up is National 3 Peaks in June, closely followed by Yorkshire 3 Peaks in August. Challenge is for each set of peaks to be completed within 24hrs (note, not the same 24hrs for all 6, I'm not *that* crazy)
Collectively raising funding for both Children's Heart Unit Fund (CHUF) and Aladina Foundation, both providing much needed medical support for seriously ill children.
Will be posting training, updates and (hopefully) some spectacular photos from the peaks as the year progresses. Follow the process here for updates, and if you're able to support and assist, any and all contributions to the cause would be greatly appreciated.