John & Elizabeth's Wedding

John & Elizabeth's Wedding

Your presence in our lives is such a gift! Thank you for being part of our story!

We don't have an official wedding gift list, but in lieu of sending cards or gifts for our wedding, you may wish to consider donating to our charity giving page.

Everything raised will be shared between our 2 favourite charities, Bethany Christian Trust and Junction 42

Bethany Christian Trust work towards ending homelessness across Scotland, one person at a time, and Junction 42 work with offenders in prison and their communities to see lives transformed, empowered and set free.

If you'd like to donate, please click on the green 'donate' button and follow the instructions. If you're able to Gift Aid, your donation will go even further with no extra cost to you!

Thank you!

John and Elizabeth xx


Bethany Christian Trust Logo
Bethany Christian Trust

Community | SC003783


We are a national charity dedicated to ending homelessness in Scotland, one person, one family and one community at a time. Our mission is to relieve the suffering and meet the long term needs of homeless and vulnerable people in Scotland. To do this we partner with communities, churches, organisations, local and national government, to offer tailored support and services.

The Junction 42 Foundation Logo
The Junction 42 Foundation

Community | 1149813


Junction 42 exists to see the lives of offenders, ex-offenders and their communities visibly transformed by hope. We achieve this aim through holistic engagement, primarily via Faith, Employability and Enterprise and Creative Engagement projects.

Supporters 57

  • R

    11 months, 1 week

    RICHARD & Annabel

    God bless all the money to be used for His Kingdom

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    11 months, 3 weeks


    £ 55.00

    (+£13.75) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year


    £ 55.00

    (+£13.75) Gift Aid
  • D

    1 year


    £ 20.00

  • R

    1 year

    Ruth & Ken Hogg

    God’s richest blessings on your life & home together - may HE be the centre With love Ruth & Ken Hogg

    £ 30.00

  • A

    1 year


    £ 30.00

    (+£7.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year


    £ 850.00

    (+£212.50) Gift Aid
  • B

    1 year

    Becky Chaddock

    Late but not forgotten - blessings and joy xxx

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • L

    1 year


    What an awesome day, great to see you both become one. I know God will use you both for His glory( as He is already doing), you have both been such an encouragement to me and Ben. May God bless you richly as you begin married life.

    £ 30.00

  • A

    1 year


    Congratulations you awesome couple! May the Lord bless you both in the mission for your marriage and the blessing that you'll be to others through it. What a superb celebration you had! Absolutely loved it!

    £ 100.00

    (+£25.00) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 1 month


    Amazing wedding, super chuffed for you both! Looking forward to see how the Conway family is going to be used :)

    £ 40.00

    (+£10.00) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 1 month


    What a beautiful day, for a beautiful couple. It is a joy to know you both. Be blessed as you journey with the Lord together as husband and wife. xxx Hands down the best starter at a wedding, ever!

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 1 month


    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 1 month


    £ 30.00

    (+£7.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 1 month



  • J

    1 year, 1 month

    Joanne and John

    Such a privilege to share your special day.

    £ 100.00

    (+£25.00) Gift Aid
  • B

    1 year, 1 month


    £ 30.00

  • H

    1 year, 1 month

    Heather & Marco Anastasi

    ~* <3 Congratulations on your wedding day! We are privileged to be a part of your special day. You are already a constant inspiration but we can't wait to see what amazing things the Bowes-Conway team achieve together! With lots of love, Heather & Marco <3 *~


  • M

    1 year, 1 month

    Moira & Helen

    With love to you both, we are so looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. God bless, Auntie Moira & Helen

    £ 200.00

  • M

    1 year, 1 month


    We are so blessed to be part of your day, your lives and your support of these great causes! Thank you!

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • P

    1 year, 1 month

    Pete & Angie

    With our much love to you both and our huge congratulations. We think the world of you both and we know God has great plans for you. Love Pete and Angie x

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • N

    1 year, 1 month

    Niven & Lucy

    Congratulations on your joyful wedding day! With all our love and prayers for a wonderful marriage, Niven, Lucy, Holly & Abigail xxxx

    £ 50.00

  • J

    1 year, 1 month

    Jonny and Ros Harrison

    Happy Wedding Day! Tons of love and prayers as you start married life together. Look forward to seeing you down in Barrow soon! God’s amazing blessings as you see where he leads you both x

    £ 50.00

    (+£12.50) Gift Aid
  • C

    1 year, 1 month


    With much love on your wedding day

    £ 100.00

    (+£25.00) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 1 month


    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid


+ £831.25 Gift Aid

57 supporters


 Offline donations

Charities Supporting

Bethany Christian Trust


The Junction 42 Foundation
