Heather's London Marathon
Sunday 20th April 2025
Heather's London Marathon
Hello !
I seem to have accidentally got a place in the London Marathon next year. I wasn't expecting to get a place on my first go in the ballot, but I did, and I'm both excited and nervous in equal amounts. Because I'm doing this for fun (believe it or not) I wasn't originally planning to set up a fundraising page. However, a fair few people have asked me who I am running for, or for the link to a donation page, which is very generous.
So, I thought I'd set up a page that will split any donations received between two charities that mean a lot to me for various reasons. If you'd like to give to your preferred charity instead, that will be equally motivating.
I will be incredibly thankful for any donations that come in and I have no doubt that they will help keep me going during the upcoming cold dark winter days. Mainly, I'd like this to serve as a reminder that there is help out there - you don't have to face anything alone. And be kind to each other!
Anyway, ramble over. Thank you for reading if you got this far :)
Supporters 33
8 months, 1 week
£ 30.00
G8 months, 3 weeks
George and Morag
All the best to the Goodsort of the Year! Go for it Heather! ❤️💙xx
£ 26.20 (+£6.55)
8 months, 3 weeks
£ 10.00 (+£2.50)
C1 year
Claire (Wales)
Good luck Heather the accidental (impromptu) nights out are always the best so hopefully that works the same with marathons 😊
£ 10.00
H1 year
When you’re struggling to get up on those cold dark mornings just think of me… nagging you to get moving 😉
£ 50.00 (+£12.50)
M1 year
I'll be there from start to finish, enjoy the experience🏃♀️great causes to support my darling❤️xx
£ 50.00 (+£12.50)
1 year
Val and I are rooting for you. Go girl and have fun on the run.
£ 50.00 (+£12.50)
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