The Flagship Fund: donations at talks and special events
The Flagship Fund: donations at talks and special events
From time to time The 1805 Club holds or participates in talks and special events. We invite members and non-members attending these events to make a donation to the charity's Flagship Fund for projects, education and communications. The Flagship Fund is the main source of funding for the many commemorative, online projects and publications with which the 1805 Club seeks to deepen and preserve public knowledge of maritime history from the glorious Georgian Age of Sail.
· Members of The 1805 Club who donate a minimum of £250 (or equivalent in local currency) over and above their annual membership fee across the course of five years qualify for recognition as a holder of "The Blue" level of support for The Flagship Fund.
· Members of The 1805 Club who donate a minimum of £500 (or equivalent in local currency) over and above their annual membership fee across the course of five years qualify for recognition as a holder of "The White" level of support for The Flagship Fund.
· Members of The 1805 Club who donate a minimum of £1000 (or equivalent in local currency) over and above their annual membership fee across the course of five years qualify for recognition as a holder of "The Red" level of support for The Flagship Fund.
Smaller donations are most welcome and all contribute to the charitable objectives of The 1805 Club.