Loch Ness Marathon 2023, my first marathon (and probably last!!!)
Sunday 1st October 2023
Loch Ness Marathon 2023, my first marathon (and probably last!!!)
I always wanted to run a marathon before I turned 40, but for many reasons I never managed it. Now I hope to achieve it in Loch Ness with a group of inspiring girls who run! And to raise money for two charities close to my heart. Liverpool CHICS who supported our Godson Thomas and his family and gave him some wonderful experiences before he died of a brain tumour last year. Thomas was an inspiration and we miss him very much. The other charity is Pancreatic Cancer UK, in memory of my wonderful dad, and in support of our dear friend Harry. My dad loved running and I hope this would make him proud. Harry isn’t a runner (!) but I know will appreciate all donations that help further the much needed pancreatic cancer research, which is so tragically underfunded. Thank you for any donation you can make, no matter how small.
+£245.00 Gift Aid
raised of £500 target
by 55 supporters