The 1805 Club Flagship Fund at the Trafalgar Night Dinner 2023
Saturday 21st October 2023
The 1805 Club Flagship Fund at the Trafalgar Night Dinner 2023
The Trafalgar Night Dinner is the 1805 Club's signature annual social event. In 2023 this will be held at HMS Nelson Wardroom in Portsmouth, UK.
Donations are invited by attendees at the dinner - and also by those Club members unable to attend but who wish to contribute towards the Flagship Fund of the Club. This open donations programme is the Club's way to raise funds to support its charitable objectives: commemorative projects, education and research and communication of the above to the public at large.
Suggested donation amounts are given, or please feel free to enter an amount of your choosing.
UK taxpayers may tick the box for Gift Aid relief to be claimed by the Club.
by 1 supporters
£0.00 offline donations received