24 Hour Racquets Fundraiser!

Oct 06, 2023

24 Hour Racquets Fundraiser!

We are excited to be running a brand-new fund-raising event at the Club – a 24-hour Racquets Marathon! We were approached by member Andrew Hayward as he was keen to challenge himself to see if he could play tennis for 24 hours and raise some much-needed money for local charities. We thought it was a great idea and upon meeting him our owner and MD Matthew Towers decided he wanted to join in and play 24 hours of Squash!

The event will take place from Friday 6th October at 5pm through to Saturday 7th October at 5pm and we are fundraising for our new member-chosen charities FACES and St John’s School in Kempston. We hope to raise lots of money and already have a sponsor for the event who will match all donations, pound for pound, up to a maximum of £1,500, so please be generous!

Matt says…….

As a lifelong “squash nut” I am (sort of!) looking forward to the challenge of trying to play squash for 24 hours, although I must admit it also has me slightly worried! Squash is a gruelling sport and 24 hours feels like a lonnnnnnnnng time! I hope the body stands up to it!
Anything you can donate to help us raise much needed funds for these two amazing local charities would be greatly appreciated. And if you want to jump on court with me, please follow the links below and book yourself a 1-hour slot!
Thanks in advance for your support!

Andrews says……

I've played tennis since I was 3 and with my whole family being able to play to a good standard its easy to say that its always been in my blood. When I was younger, much younger I would play 5 setters for over 5 hours, but now I’m older, perhaps not as fit and a little more to carry around the court obviously I thought why not do 24 hours in one go! It will be tough but I know there are a great bunch at the Club and friends, colleagues and family will support the best they can.

Anything that can be donated either to play in the sessions or just to support me in my challenge will be appreciated. I look forward to playing some singles, doubles, mixed, anything goes and happy for any suggestions during the time slot.

Thank you for supporting this challenge and the great charities we are raising money for!

If you want to join Matthew and/or Andrew on court at some point during the 24 hours, you can donate AND book a playing slot. Full details of all the sessions and how to book can be found at www.clubtowers.com/24hoursofracquets or you can email Jo on jo.saywell@clubtowers.com for more information.


St John's School Logo
St John's School

Education | 1043962


St John's are an all age special school catering for pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties.

FACES Bedford Logo
FACES Bedford

Children | 1108574


FACES is a well-established local charity, offering practical and emotional support to families and children who are experiencing difficulties.

Fundraisers 0

Supporters 117

Donated to this page

£ 5,713.00

  • S

    1 year, 4 months

    Shanice Smith

    £ 10.00

  • R

    1 year, 4 months

    Rhys Mehmi

    Thank you all for your efforts and support for St John's School and Faces Bedford :)

    £ 100.00

  • S

    1 year, 4 months

    Soraya Mehmi

    Thank you all for your efforts and support for St John's School and Faces Bedford :)

    £ 100.00

  • M

    1 year, 5 months

    Michael Lacey

    £ 30.00

  • 1 year, 5 months


    What a great effort and a superb result!!

    £ 1,500.00

    (+£375.00) Gift Aid
  • J

    1 year, 5 months

    Julie Parsley

    I feel I should have sent Paul towards the end of your 24h - might have been his only chance to ever win a match against you 😅 well done!!


  • L

    1 year, 5 months

    Luke Neal

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • J

    1 year, 5 months

    Jenny Patten

    Amazing effort Andy! Well done!!

    £ 15.00

    (+£3.75) Gift Aid
  • D

    1 year, 5 months

    Dave Preston

    What are you doing with the cardboard cut out 🤣

    £ 10.00

  • M

    1 year, 5 months


    Well done Andy… awesome work..

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 5 months


    £ 5.00

    (+£1.25) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 5 months

    Andy Symonds

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • P

    1 year, 5 months

    Paul Monk

    Well done Andrew

    £ 20.00

  • D

    1 year, 5 months

    Deborah Inskip

    Fantastic! Very well done xx

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • J

    1 year, 5 months

    Julie H

    Absolutely fantastic enthusiasm and effort both of you! You inspired so many of us to join in!👏👏

    £ 40.00

    (+£10.00) Gift Aid
  • S

    1 year, 5 months

    Sophie C

    Well done both! Amazing effort!!

    £ 25.00

    (+£6.25) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 5 months


    £ 30.00

    (+£7.50) Gift Aid
  • L

    1 year, 5 months

    Liz Balfour

    Amazing effort, keep going!

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • R

    1 year, 5 months

    Russell burrows

    Good luck 🤞🏼

    £ 30.00

    (+£7.50) Gift Aid
  • T

    1 year, 5 months

    The Saywells

    Amazing achievement Matt and Andy!

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • N

    1 year, 5 months


    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • S

    1 year, 5 months

    Simon and Bev Marshall

    Well done Matt and Andy! 👏👏

    £ 50.00

  • A

    1 year, 5 months


    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 5 months


    £ 15.00

    (+£3.75) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 5 months

    Andrew John Green

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid


+ £994.75 Gift Aid

£5,000 target | 0 fundraisers


 Offline donations

Charities Supporting

St John's School


FACES Bedford

