As a team, Brian, Norrie and Bobby will be cycling from Calais to Cannes, to support and fundraise for their chosen charities which are Strathcarron Hospice, Kidney Kids Scotland, Pancreatic Cancer UK, Melanoma UK and Diabetes Scotland.
Bobby’s wife Moyra died last year and spent her last three weeks in Strathcarron Hospice near Falkirk. The Hospice does a fantastic job of taking care of its terminally ill patients and their families at a very distressing time for all concerned. The hospice needs to raise almost £15,000 per day to keep going and continue its priceless work in serving the community. In return for their great support to Bobby he wants raise funds so they can continue to do the same for others.
I wasn't aware of Pancreatic Cancer. How it strikes. Who it strikes. How quickly it strikes. My sister-in-law, Fiona, was snatched by pancreatic Cancer. With no warning, a life of enjoying retirement, of doting on grandchildren, of travelling with my brother Jack, were all taken away from her. But the consequence leaves a husband without a wife, children without a mother, grandchildren without a gran. Fiona would have absolutely loved being part of all of this and would have made a wonderful contribution. The way pancreatic Cancer strikes has to be overcome. And the effect of snatching of the life of Fiona makes me realise that I have to contribute in some way to reducing the chances of other husbands, children and grandchildren having to suffer. - Norrie
Kidney Kids Scotland is the only Scottish Charity supporting children with renal illness. The main aim of the Charity is to enable children to receive treatment as close to home as possible minimising disruption to their family unit. As a collector for the charity I am constantly reminded of the difficulties endured by families, and children living with kidney disorders and very keen to raise as much funding as possible for this cause. - Norrie
Brian’s wife Sharon suffered a stage 2A melanoma two years ago which impacted every aspect of her outside day to day living. Whilst Sharon has to live with this for the rest of her hopefully long life both she and Brian want to raise funds for Melanoma UK and awareness of the dangers of being unprotected in the sun.
Brian’s granddaughter Zoey was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was three and she is now 11. She has to measure everything she eats and manually balance her insulin, a feature which our own bodies do automatically. Her absolute fabulous positive nature is only matched by the support from Diabetes Scotland providing much needed education and technology to make Zoey’s life as normal as possible. Sharon and Brian want to see the day an artificial pancreas returns the life of type 1 diabetes sufferers to normal.
+ £3,000.63 Gift Aid
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