Are we actually doing this? We have signed up to take part in the Conwy Half Marathon November 2023!
We have started this journey together so we are going to be raising money together for our chosen charities.
Our chosen charities are MS Society, Spoons Neonatal Family Support, Cuddles Ysbyty Glan Clwyd's Neonatal Unit Charity & British Heart Foundation.
Spoons - My beautiful niece Elsie Gwen was born on 03/02/2023, she was born at 23 + 4 weeks and weighing a tiny 416 grams. Spoons help support families in Manchester through NICU stays and beyond. My sister in law and partner currently attend Spoons classes which are free and they provide counselling, weaning sessions, trauma therapy and much more. They have been an incredible support to Miriam, Will and our wonderful nephew Noah. - Sarah
MS Society - MS is affecting close friends of mine and it's heartbreaking to see and hear the stories. They are so strong and such an inspiration to everyone. I want to raise awareness for MS as I didn't realise everything they had to go through just so they can carry on taking that step walking each day. I am so incredibly proud of you both, you know who you are. - Sarah
Cuddles - My crazy nephew also wanted to enter this world early, Idris was born prem. Cuddles supported my sister and brother in law Dona and Gareth following Idris' early arrival. Cuddles are the Ysbyty Glan Clwyd Special Care Baby Unit's charity and their work is vitally important in raising money for new equipment, improvements to the unit, and how they can support families on the unit. - Sarah
British Heart Foundation - I lost my grandad to a heart attack, when he was only in his early 60s, then in 2007 aged 53 my dad collapsed without warning and died without regaining consciousness, again due to a heart attack. We weren't so lucky, but millions are and have to live with serious conditions, that's why the work and research that BHF do is invaluable, to help and assist people live an as normal life as possible. - Dan
I was also a prem baby, a very poorly prem baby in-fact and back in those days I doubt that there was much support for families having to deal with the trauma and anxiety, I've heard 1st hand of the work that Spoons do, and the invaluable support they bring and what they have done for Elsie. - Dan
We are so proud to be running for these charities and hope you will help support us raise as much as we can for them all. It's got to be worth it just to see us run this thing 😉 THANK YOU - Sarah & Dan
A 'little' story from Sarah
“Me running? I could never have imagined that happening. When I was in school, I used to detest jogging, and when I first started going to the gym on a daily basis, the treadmill was my worst fear! Recently, I took a step back and looked back at how my life had progressed in a positive way but at a young age I had to stumble through many, many hurdles... it hit me hard and my mental health had deteriorated rapidly with no warning! I realised it was time for me to focus on myself and start taking care of myself.
Running and exercising has been the most positive impact, it makes me feel resolute.
Not only my exercise partner but my friend Dan has been incredible through out, we motivate and push each other through all strenuous activities and just bounce off each other. A very important friendship during a tough training challenge.
I am very proud of myself for signing up to this Half Marathon I couldn't have done this without all the support I have received from my husband being by my side through all the aches and moaning 😂 not to mention when I was at my lowest, Aaron stuck by me and helped me through the hardest of my silent, worrying times. Also, my children for telling me I can do it and for motivating me! And of course that person who is always by my side in the gym, out and about running/walking crazy miles... Dan."
A little story from Dan
"Run ? Me ? Run? I haven't run properly since I was in middle school. I've tried but just blame dodgy knees when I give up after a week. All the gear no idea, that's me !!!
I've always had issues with my weight. Love a beer and junk food I do, combined with no exercise was asking for trouble. Lockdown came and my weight shot up to nearly 16 stone, most of it on my belly.
My wife was getting concerned about my general health and my friend and colleague, Sarah pointed out I looked pregnant...right things had to change.
I started going to the gym but remember I'm all the gear no idea and i hated it...
Sarah suggested we hit the gym together to give each other some moral support and motivation.. it worked and in November 2022 we upped our game and started to pound the treadmill sometimes 5 times a week. I had the bug, it was a great feeling.
I started watching my calorie intake and the weight started to fall off, Sarah too, over 3 stone between us !
Not only my gym buddy / running partner / colleague / chief coffee maker but closest of friends Sarah and I were smashing it, she bosses me about in the gym and I drag her out for a run on her day off when she'd rather do anything but run, but that's how we roll, pushing, motivating and more importantly making each other laugh especially through the tough sessions, having that friendship has been so incredibly important and she's been and continues to be so positive as we rack up the miles.
THEN Sarah then had the bright idea to sign up for the Conwy half Marathon in November 2023, something to work towards she said ! 🤔
This will be a massive achievement for me, and couldn't have done it without the support and encouragement of my wife and family who have had to put up with me disappearing off to the gym or on long runs and the whining about aches and pains or being tired.. and of course the woman who's bright idea this was and is always there next to me in puddles of sweat whether it's pounding the treadmill or pavement".
Yes Sarah we ARE actually doing this......
+ £192.25 Gift Aid
£600 target | 68 supporters
Offline donations
Charities Supporting