My Challenge: Base Camp Everest

May 11, 2023

My Challenge: Base Camp Everest

My Challenge: Base Camp Everest

Bhavna Hughes

Hi Folks,
I have taken the plunge and decided to climb Everest Base Camp.
This is something I have wanted to do for years and time is passing by so it is now or never.
I will be starting the climb on 11/05/2023, and I realise times are hard for everyone but if you could spare a few pounds to support me to raise funds for both of the following, I would be very grateful.
My first is Vista Charities, a local charity supporting sight loss in adults and children.
My second charity is The Bridge, Homelessness to hope, A local charity which aims to achieve long lasting change for vulnerable people in our community.
My training has started in earnest, doing three boot camp sessions a week and lots of long walks and stair climbing.
Thank you in advance for your support and encouragement, I am truly indebted to all of you,
Best wishes,


Vista (The Royal Leicestershire, Rutland and Wycliffe Society for the Blind) Logo
Vista (The Royal Leicestershire, Rutland and Wycliffe Society for the Blind)

Health | 218992


Vista is Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland's leading charity for people with sight loss

The Bridge Homelessness to Hope Logo
The Bridge Homelessness to Hope

Community | 1131922


The Bridge provides a non-judgemental service to the homeless and vulnerably housed in Leicester. We offer support and mentoring to anyone who is homeless, or who is at risk of becoming homeless, this includes rough sleepers, people that are sofa-surfing and those that are in temporary or unsuitable accommodation.

Supporters 100

  • J

    1 year, 8 months


    Well done

    £ 30.00

  • J

    1 year, 8 months

    Jon G

    Well done Bhav, a great achievement!

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • C

    1 year, 8 months

    Corby rehab group

    Well Done

    £ 40.00

  • A

    1 year, 8 months


    Well done

    £ 10.00

  • C

    1 year, 8 months

    Chandy Chavan

    Well done Bhavna

    £ 20.00

    (+£5.00) Gift Aid
  • K

    1 year, 9 months

    Karuna Babla & family

    £ 20.00

  • B

    1 year, 9 months

    Bhartiben Gokani

    Good luck

    £ 25.00

  • A

    1 year, 9 months


    £ 20.00

  • V

    1 year, 9 months

    VAKANI family Canada

    All the best Stay safe

    £ 51.00

  • Y

    1 year, 9 months


    Wishing you all the very best, take care and come home safe x x

    £ 15.00

    (+£3.75) Gift Aid
  • S

    1 year, 9 months


    Good luck

    £ 10.00

  • V

    1 year, 9 months


    Wishing you all the best Bhavna Hughes for your adventure from all at THE JUNGLE CLUB. REGARDS VIJAYKUMAR HINGU. (THE JUNGLE CLUB)

    £ 580.00

    (+£145.00) Gift Aid
  • J

    1 year, 9 months

    Jas loyal

    Good luck Bhavna wishing you all the best

    £ 30.00

  • P

    1 year, 9 months

    Paula Swann-Jones

    Happy walking Bhavna. From the team at Rowleys

    £ 100.00

  • H

    1 year, 9 months

    Hitesh Pujara and family

    All the best and wish you all the success From; The Pujara Family

    £ 51.00

    (+£12.75) Gift Aid
  • A

    1 year, 9 months


    Good Luck Bhavna Best wishes, Keith Vaz

    £ 51.00

  • D

    1 year, 9 months

    Diki Rajs

    All the best Bhavna. Stay safe and look forward to your stories when you are back home. Diki Harsukh Raja

    £ 25.00

  • P

    1 year, 9 months

    Paige and Nick

    Good luck Bhavna! We know you’ll smash it, we’re so proud of you! Lots of love always xxx

    £ 60.00

    (+£15.00) Gift Aid
  • M

    1 year, 9 months

    Mr L R HULL

    £ 5.00

    (+£1.25) Gift Aid
  • K

    1 year, 9 months


    Good luck Bhavna!!

    £ 30.00

    (+£7.50) Gift Aid
  • C

    1 year, 9 months


    Good luck come back safe x

    £ 10.00

    (+£2.50) Gift Aid
  • M

    1 year, 9 months


    Good luck you will smash it.

    £ 20.00

  • T

    1 year, 9 months

    Terri Jankowski

    Go smash it bhavna 🙌

    £ 5.00

    (+£1.25) Gift Aid
  • L

    1 year, 9 months


    So proud of you ❤️

    £ 20.00

  • H

    1 year, 9 months

    High tea party

    Best wishes

    £ 1,010.00



+ £767.50 Gift Aid

£4,000 target | 100 supporters


 Offline donations

Charities Supporting

Vista (The Royal Leicestershire, Rutland and Wycliffe Society for the Blind)


The Bridge Homelessness to Hope
